Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climate Change Affecting the Future of Forests

Despite the global efforts to reduce carbon footprint, forests all over the world are getting adversely affected due to climate change. Experts have predicted that the composition of forests in many parts of the world will not remain the same approximately 200 years from today. This prediction has been done on the basis of photosynthetic active radiation and temperature that can affect the forest landscapes in the coming years.

According to a report published by the United Nations Agency, the world lost approximately three percent of total forest area during 1990 to 2005. Even though the natural expansion and plantation of trees has reduced the rate at which forests are being destructed, deforestation continues to rise at an alarming rate. This has been considered one of the chief causes of greenhouse gas emission on a global level.

Worldwide demand of timber, coffee, soy, palm oil, leather and beef has resulted in the extensive destruction of rainforests all over the world. Most of the tropical forests are found in underdeveloped or developing countries where cutting trees for creating goods is the best possible way of making a living. These tropical forests store a quarter of carbon on land and cover a large part of the planet. Developing countries cannot be held entirely responsible for causing climate change but developed nations need to take strong measures in order to ensure that their demands don’t cause further destruction of the forests.

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