Climate change regulations have a significant impact on heavy manufacturers and energy companies. But research indicates that this global issue is relevant to every company in the context of sustainability and traditional accounting. Matters like toxic waste and animal welfare may not concern every firm but climate change is becoming the top agenda in all company policies.
The good news is that big as well as small companies are realizing the importance of addressing this problem on a global level. GE (General Electric) and its partners are working towards the development of innovative methods that will help the company meet the challenges of global warming, energy conservation and economic sustainability. In an attempt to support these goals, the company has also helped in finding the United States Climate Action Partnership. This coalition consists of 26 major corporations that are related with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund and the World Research Institute.
Britain’s two largest retailers- Sainsbury and Tesco are working towards being the greenest retailer in the country. IBM is one among the relatively few IT companies who are translating their concern over climate change into corporate action. According to a report published by Greenpeace, IBM’s “Smart Planet” initiative to make the utility industry and transportation more competent through IT can be regarded a potential effort. Similarly, Sun Microsystems has been developing energy efficient servers as a part of its sustainable program. Every company has a role to play in addressing the risks of climate change. The sooner they realize, the better !
Climate change is effecting every country. Is there anything we can do at our level to control it? While at high school, I signed a campaign to "Go Green, Promote Green" but nothing big ever happened. This is one cause we all would certainly like to get involved into if only we know how?
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